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The main function of the prostate is to store and secrete a clear fluid slightly alkaline (pH 7.29) which constitutes 10-30% of the volume of seminal fluid, which, together with the sperm, provides the semen.

Find Excellent Details – The rest of the seminal fluid is produced by the two seminal vesicles. The alkalinity of seminal fluid helps to neutralize the acidity of the vaginal tract, prolonging the lifetime of sperm.

The prostate also contains some smooth muscles that help expel semen during ejaculation.

The prostatic secretions vary between species. They are usually composed of simple sugars and are often slightly acidic and colorless.

In human prostatic secretions, the protein content is less than 1% and includes proteolysis enzymes, and prostate-specific antigen (PSA). The secretions also contain zinc. Blood levels of PSA levels are indicative of the prostate.

It also has proteolysis enzymes, including a helps liquefy semen.

In some alveoli, might be present prostatic concretions, which are calcifications with variable diameter, sometimes going beyond 1.0 mm in diameter. Probably represent the condensation of products. Grow Taller 4 Idiots Review


To work properly, the prostate needs hormones male (androgens), which are responsible for male sex characteristics? The main male hormone is testosterone, which is produced mainly in the testis.

Some hormones are produced in small quantities glands adrenals. However, the hormone that regulates the prostate is Structure

Pollen and propels – Pollen is rich in plant hormones and enzymes that act on the prostate.

Contains abundant vitamins and minerals, as well as testosterone and other hormones stimulating effect on male sexual organs

Find Excellent Details – The plant hormones have no side effects and have the amazing ability to regulate the endocrine glands.

Several studies have proved that the extract of pollen has a prophylactic effect in the treatment of prostatic adenomas and inflammation. With over 200 chemical compounds have been identified, reduces chronic inflammation of the prostate.

These compounds have various physiological activities such as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral and antitumor activity.

Bearberry – This herb fights urinary tract infections, urinary stones and chronic kidney inflammation, and sores in the mouth, throat, intestines and genitals, chronic inflammation of the prostate and urethra, diarrhea and dysentery, cystitis and catarrh of the bladder.

There are several natural remedies able to solve the problem:

Every day fasting, drink a glass of water hit the blender with a whole lemon (with peel and all) and a sprig of parsley. Grow Taller 4 Idiots Review

Pumpkin seeds – = decoction tea – drink 3 times a day – has high zinc content.

Cabbage leaves – shaped poultice. Coconut milk is another natural remedy and nutritious that helps to reverse this deficiency.
Infusion of Barbers or Corn Horsetail – take 2 times a day.